Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Treasure Hunting

That's what it feels like! Opening each box and discovering what we packed is like discovering it all over again! haha I'm not about the materialism of 'stuff', but I do have a lot of memories attached to my things. All the places we've traveled, all the little things my parents kept for me from my childhood, my kiddos special do-dads from their 'baby days', beautiful items given to me from my elderly or passed-on relatives. All that energy is right there in those special trinkets!
So unpacking hasn't been the drudgery that I thought it might be. It gives me a chance to remember and appreciate the path that has gotten me to today.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Welcome Home

It's crazy! The last 3 years we've lived in NC, trying to make a go of things and it just never really happened for us.

Here we are, back in Florida only 2 days.......I'm feeling like we just took a 3 year break and NOW we're HOME. The familiarity is comforting. Having my friends back! Having opportunities to work and create again! I don't regret the last 3 years at all. I believe we needed to be there at that point in our journey. But it also opened our eyes to what is important to us, as people, as parents, as social/creative beings.

Now we have the task of getting unpacked, organized and comfortable in our new house. Baby steps is my new mantra! It will get done. I'm happy to know that this is where we'll BE.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Take Back Your Education by John Taylor Gatto YES! Magazine

This is an amazing article. Makes me passionately believe that the decision to homeschool my children is the right decision - for us:) So many of the things I see going on in our society today can be attributed to the very things John Taylor Gatto speaks of in this article!

Take Back Your Education by John Taylor Gatto YES! Magazine

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