My OCD is coming out -- AGAIN!!!
I recently found out about Google Documents!!! Oh my goodness, what a find. Even though in my state I technically don't need to keep a portfolio of the years learning, I am compelled to JUST DO IT!!!
So yesterday I started going month by month, writing a document of all the 'educational' things we did. I had originally thought this blog would be for that purpose, but then I really started including other random, life things.
I have a calendar diary and every day I kept track of all the cool, interesting, learning stuff we did. Now I'm transferring all that information into the Google Doc. I know that no one will ever come knocking on my door asking to see proof of our schooling. But at least I know I'll have it in an easily accessible place. And it looks pretty professional and organized!!
Another cool perk of doing this - I get to see that our first year of HSing was jam-packed full of learning, fun, family-time and goals met! All the doubt, the questioning, the hoping and praying that this was the right decision -- relieved!
It was, and is the right decision. For my kids and OUR family!
It hasn't been easy, but anything worthwhile is going to be challenging.
Here's to another year of School-Free Learning at the Avalon Academy:)
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