Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Learning update.....

I'm amazed at how well our learning has been going! OK OK, it's only been 2 days back from Christmas break!!! But really it feels like there is a renewed sense of goal setting and accomplishment. On everyones part. B pretty much asks to do 'school' every day. A on the other hand is usually pretty resistant. But yesterday and today he was totally into it!
We're still working through Story of the World which we all really enjoy. It covers a lot of subjects. History, geography, social studies, literature, cultures and art. Right now we're on the chapter of Ancient Africa.
A has been writing thank-you notes to everyone who sent him presents. Which is awesome, because for a while now he's been hating anything to do with writing. The gratification of receiving responses helped too. It's nice when someone writes back, isn't it?:)
He also asked to do fractions and is getting into his own little routine of independent reading first thing in the morning!
OK, I better stop right now before I jinx it.....LOL

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 -HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

I certainly brought in the new year with a bang! I got back on stage and sang in front of an audience for the first time in eons!!! LOL Well it felt like eons:) Since moving back to FL my friends who I used to perform with all the time decided to put our 'little show' back together. A Broadway review that we can pretty much perform anywhere. We use recorded tracks and honestly we don't even need a real stage! It's mostly comprised of solos, duets and a couple group numbers.

When I was pregnant with B, I quit singing with the rock band, because I had some small complications. But really, I was just SO DONE with the stress, the hours, the people, the time it took away from my being a Mom! AND I didn't love it anymore. I could have done that gig in my sleep, in fact, I think I did sometimes!

Now that A & B are getting a bit older, I found that I was begining to miss the creativity, the excitement, the joy really, of singing and performing musical theater. It's totally different than singing with a band. I enjoy expressing the story of a song, portraying a particular character.

Another very funny aspect of this whole show thing is how the kids are responding to it! I had to go to a few rehearsals and I would get home late at night. That took a little getting used to, because since they've been alive, I've always been home at night!
Also, I found out they told their friends that "Mom's a singer and she's in a show on New Years Eve." I found this out when the neighbor boy who is 10 asked me what kind of music I sing! haha (I then found myself discussing my career with him:))

I'm more than a bit happy to see that A & B realize that Mom is more than what they live with everyday! This particular show was private, but the more we get booked, they will have opportunites to actually come and see me in action! We'll see what they think THEN! LOL

2010 is going to be a year of setting goals and doing our best, as a family, to reach them. Personally, spiritually, educationally, and all the other -allys! I feel really good about this year. I'm sure it will be full of a lot of music, many blessings and good fortune.