Sunday, January 25, 2009

Will it happen?

Who knows! I'm referring to the closing of our (but NOT ours) house in Florida!

We were supposed to close on Jan. 15. Well that obviously didn't happen! There have been a lot of glitches with the electric meter. For one, it wasn't there!!! It was vandalized or something. So the owner had to have a new one installed, which required pulling a permit with the city! After that was accomplished, they had to get an electritian our to hook-up the electic and get it turned on with FPL!!! For some reason this takes 3 weeks!!!!

Anyway, the electric IS ON as of yesterday. We hope to get it inspected in the next couple days,
get the paperwork to our lawyer and hopefully close on Wed., the 28th. And we're trying to accomplish all this from 800 miles away. Thank goodness my husband is a very organized person:) And he doesn't get easily frustrated.

The plan is to have Rick's parents move out of their tiny condo and into the house. They need more room to 'be' happy! If we can help them do that, then we'll be happy as well.

Keeping our fingers crossed and saying a prayer.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tears of Joy!

What a beautiful, historic day!!! The beginning of a brighter future!

It's snowing where we live today!!! Making it even more beautiful!
We have been cleansed. We will start fresh! All is new!

I will remember this day for the rest of my life!

Monday, January 19, 2009


The kids and I just watched the re-broadcast of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech from 1963!
It brought tears to my eyes. Absolutely POWERFUL!

We studied a little about the history and A seems to really get it! The oppression, the inequality, the injustice! It's amazing how children get it so much more than adults do! A said "all this because of the color of their skin????".


We're very excited about tomorrow's inauguration of OUR 44th President. We're going to watch it on tv and have a little celebration. It's means so much, on so many levels. I want it to stay in the kids hearts and minds forever.

DREAMS are the things that keep us moving forward! CHANGE is what gives us new perspective and hope for the future! It's a beautiful thing!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We arrived back in NC last night. The trip went well. Didn't REALLY seem like 12 HOURS!!!!
Yeah right! But the kids were great. They actually keep themselves busy on the road. I think now that we've done this so many times that they're becoming very well-seasoned travelers!

Thank goodness, because we intend to do this A LOT!

We had planned on closing on the house in FL before coming home. But that didn't happen.
Once we do finally get this house, Rick will be going back down there, with our contractor to do work to make the house "livable". Once those things are finished, we'll be able to go back and add the finishing touches!

We're excited and keeping our fingers crossed that everything works out. If it's meant to will be!

Monday, January 12, 2009

2 weeks into 2009!!

I can't believe that it's already 2 weeks into this new year!!! What the......!

We're in the process of purchasing a house! We're waiting for the usual go through. We have to secure the property and get back to NC!

We decided that we really do miss the warmth, the beach, the culture, the chaos, the parents, the old friends..... So buying this home is giving us the opportunity to have (hopefully) the best of both worlds! NC is still going to be our first home. But when we need to change it up, a short 12 hour (ugh!) drive to sunny South Florida will be the cure for our restlessness! Especially when it starts getting chilly!

I'm so thankful that our family has the opportunity to do this. Homeschooling has really opened up so many new possibilities for us. Since we've been here, we've continued with our learning, supplemented of course, with really fun outtings. The laptop has also been a huge help! Whenever A has a question about something he's seen or heard, we google it!!! We all learn something!

The World is our classroom. Learning happens everywhere, everyday! We're lucky to have realized it when we did. Life is too short to not grab it and make it what you want.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Ok, I'm totally slacking here.

But honestly, we are having so much fun it's hard to take the time out to post!
We've been going to the beach, hanging out with my best girlfriend and her baby, house shopping (details later) eating and drinking!!!!

When things slow down a bit, I'll get back to my regular routine;)